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This library provides an easy and fluent way to build ASCII tables. Looking at a very simple first example:

JTable table = JTable.of()
                        .col().content("Col 1 - 1").done()
                        .col().content("Col 1 - 2").done()
                        .col().content("Col 2 - 1").done()
                        .col().content("Col 2 - 2").done()


Results in

│Col 1 - 1                │Col 1 - 2                │
│Col 2 - 1                │Col 2 - 2                │

This library is built with a lot of borrowed ideas (and even some code) from other similar projects.


The main motivation behind this library is to support several features that I was unable to find in any other libraries I explored:

More on the above to come


ASCII Table is rather simple by nature, it uses a fluent API to build the table. It does however require the following:

Object Method Description
JTable of() Bootstrap method to create a table.
width(int width) Sets the width of the table to the specified number of spaces
theme(JTheme theme) Speficies the theme to be used by this table. Defaults to single line border
contentParser(ContentParser contentParser) Specified the content parser to be used. Defaults to simple text parser
render() Generates a list of strings representing the rendered table. Each entry represents a line
row() Creates a new row and returns its fluent builder
JRow padding(JPadding padding) Specified the padding to be used on all columns of this row. Defaults to the theme’s configuration
done() Returns the parent JTable fluent builder
col() Creates a new column and returns its fluent builder
JCol content(Object content) Sets the content of the column
width(int width) Explicitly sets the width of the column
padding(JPadding padding) Specified the padding to be used by the column. Defaults to the row’s configuration
done() Returns the parent JRow fluent builder

In Action

Variable Length Columns

        .col().width(11).content('Simple 1').done()
        .col().width(5).content('A 1').done()
        .col().width(7).content('Bob 2').done()
        .col().width(6).content('Alt 1').done()
        .col().width(9).content('Alt 2').done()

Results in
Simple 1   A 1  Bob 2  
Alt 1 Alt 2    Second  

ANSI Colors

Ansi colors are provided by JAnsi.

Notice that a different ContentParser is used. This is required so column width calculations disregard magic ASCII codes.

      .contentParser(new AnsiContentParser())
        .bgYellow().fgBlue().a(" content").reset()).done()
        .col().content('Alt content').done()
│Simple content      
Alt content         

Custom Theme

We provide 3 builtin themes, single line, double line and no line (pretty self explanatory). You may however create your own!

JTheme theme = new JTheme('#', '-', '}', '/', 'v', '\\', '>', '<', '\\', '^', '/');
        .col().content('Simple 1').done()
        .col().content('Simple 2').done()
        .col().content('Alt 1').done()
        .col().content('Alt 2').done()

Results in
}Simple 1  }Simple 2  }
}Alt 1     }Alt 2     }

Custom Padding

We provide 2 builtin padding options, NO_PADDING (default) and DEFAUL_PADDING (one space on each side). As with everything else, you may create your own padding pattern!

JPadding specialPadding = new JPadding(2, '&', 1, '%', 4, '+', 2, '"')
JPadding specialPadding2 = new JPadding(2, '>', 1, 'v', 4, '<', 2, '^')
        .col().padding(JPadding.DEFAULT_PADDING).content('Simple 1').done()
        .col().padding(specialPadding).content('Simple 2').done()
        .col().padding(specialPadding2).content('Alt 1').done()
        .col().content('Alt 2').done()

Results in

 Simple 1      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               &&Simple 2+++++
│               │"""""""""""""""
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvAlt 2          
>>Alt 1<<<<<<<<               